Antonyms MCQs (Set 1)

Antonyms are words that are Opposite to, or have a opposite meaning. English Antonyms MCQs are an integral part of all competitive exams. Below is the Set 1 of most important English Antonyms MCQs for all competitive exams.
1. Antonym of ‘withdraw’ is _______________.
C. advance
to withdraw means to remove or retreat; to advance in the opposite of retreat
2. Antonym of ‘secret’ is _______________.
D. overt
secret means hidden or covert; overt means open to view
3. Antonym of ‘heartfelt’ is _______________.
B. insincere
heartfelt means expressing genuine feeling, or sincere, so insincere is its opposite
4. Antonym of ‘impartial’ is _______________.
B. biased
impartial means to be without prejudice or bias, therefore biased is the opposite
5. Antonym of ‘luminous’ is _______________.
B. dim
luminous means radiating or reflecting light, or glowing; dim means dark or dull