Active and Passive Voice MCQS

1. Was the servant bringing tea?

  • A. Has tea being brought by the servant?
  • B. Was tea being brought by the servant?
  • C. Is tea being brought by the servant?
  • D. Was tea bringing by the servant?
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Correct Answer:
B. Was tea being brought by the servant?

2. I was writing an essay.

  • A. An essay was being written by me.
  • B. An essay was written by me.
  • C. An essay is being written by me.
  • D. An essay has been written by me.
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Correct Answer:
A. An essay was being written by me.

3. She looks after the child.

  • A. The child was looked after by her.
  • B. The child are looked after by her.
  • C. The child were looked after by her.
  • D. The child is looked after by her.
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Correct Answer:
D. The child is looked after by her.

4. He could not lift the box.

  • A. The box could not be lifted by him.
  • B. The box can not be lift by him.
  • C. The box could not be lift by him.
  • D. The box can not be lifted by him.
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Correct Answer:
A. The box could not be lifted by him.

5. She had cooked some dishes.

  • A. Some dishes were cooked by her.
  • B. Some dishes was cooked by her.
  • C. Some dishes have been cooked by her.
  • D. Some dishes had been cooked by her.
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Correct Answer:
D. Some dishes had been cooked by her.

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