Idioms and Phrases MCQs (Set 1)
Idioms and Phrases are a vital part of all competitive exams. you must prepare following idioms and phrases MCQs in order to crack all competitive exams. These are most repeated Idioms and Phrases MCQs.
1. Identify the meaning of the idiom “Miss the boat”.
C. Miss out an opportunity
‘Miss the boat’ means to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act.
“There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.”
2. Identify the meaning of the idiom “See eye to eye”.
A. Agreeing with somebody
‘See eye to eye’ means be in full agreement.
“The boss and I do not always see eye to eye.”
3. Identify the meaning of the idiom “Spill the beans”.
C. To reveal something that is supposed to be kept a secret
‘Spill the beans’ means disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely.
“I don’t have contact with his other staff to spill the beans.”
4. “Crocodile tears’ means ____________.
B. Insincere display of emotions
‘Shedding crocodile tears’ means an insincere show of sympathy or sadness; crocodiles were once thought to weep large tears before they ate their victims.
“Don’t shed any crocodile tears for Fisher; I know you were responsible for his firing.”
5. Identify the meaning of the idiom “Don’t judge a book by its cover”.
B. It is hard to tell how something is simply from its outward appearance.
It means that you should not judge someone or something based only on what you see on the outside or only on what you perceive without knowing the full situation.
“The candidate did not look very intelligent, but you can’t judge a book by its cover.”